A German production director with five years to sum up the 151 kinds of waste in


Edera company one of the production director, 2008 has three Chinese companies to provide services now are helping Chinese enterprises promote industrial 4.0 technology, in the past five years, Edera recorded the Chinese factory waste even up to 151...
In Edera management notes we find dense but very neat notes and Mr. Edera will also sum up the 151 kinds of waste into eight categories.
Waste of time:
1, the lack of proper planning, so that personnel in the specification of the waiting time, or stop to be expected
2, the monitor failed to completely understand the orders and instructions
3, the lack of awareness of the work of the day
4, the monitor of the order or instruction is not clear
5, failed to do supervision tools, materials, and other small devices should be placed on the premises of the Yiding
6, should not work overtime, resulting in overtime
7, no view of each work is to provide the right tools and assembly
8, letting employees deliberately escape the work they can do
9, the need for personnel
10, have too much redundancy
11, poor to fill in the report and all kinds of application form
12, to chat, employees develop from work, the bad habit of wasting time
13, lack of questioning and correct employee absenteeism and temporary leave reason
14, did not require employees to start work on time, loose supervision
15, delay decision-making
16, the monitor itself is not necessary to leave and late or not on time
17, late delivery report
18, need to repair when not immediately please check reason
Not necessary, in conversation with questions 19
20, the monitor can not be appropriate to arrange their work and time
Two, creative waste:
1, failed to listen to the recommendations of the staff
2, failed to encourage staff to make suggestions
3, all kinds of problems in listening to the views of subordinates not widely
4, can not be widely used in the work and the business of the relevant methods
5, did not ask the new staff in the past work experience, in order to obtain useful advice
6, not fully to other departments (such as biotechnology, etc.) to consult
7, no consideration or designated appropriate personnel to deal with all useful proposals
8, failed to obtain useful advice from the meeting
9, the management function is not good
Three, the waste of materials and supplies
1, poor supervision, resulting in waste of materials
2, the new guidance is not enough
3, assigned new work is not fully guidance
4, draft blueprint or damaged, difficult and wrong, not timely corrected, or by standard
5, mechanical failure or not adjusted well
6, not for each process to check the use of materials (standard and difference analysis)
* not let subordinates understand the value of materials or supplies
* commands and instructions are not clear
* the bad material handling
* did not pay attention to subordinates' eyesight and health, caused by defective products
* lack of discipline to indulge in careless or improper work
* allow subordinates with inappropriate materials, such as too good or too bad
* who fails to track the bad work, so that it can not be corrected
Not just * applicable, especially new
* Please get too much material, but you don't have to return it.
* Please get the correct material and use the wrong material.
* check whether the material is arranged neatly and correctly.
* could not check the crack of steam, water, gas, electricity and compressed air lines.
* personal use oil, indulge subordinates compressed air, gadgets, chemicals etc.
* let the bad materials flow into the manufacturing process
* lack of an effective system to prevent the outflow of material, to avoid loss or to steal.
* re usable material when waste treatment
* to waste or abuse the following supplies: broom, stationery, linoleum, bulb, water etc.
* produce undesirable not immediately stop production
Four, the waste of machinery and equipment
1, the lack of work plans, so that all the machines are not fully available and suitable for use
2, failed to check the machine, keep it in good condition and avoid failure
3, monitor the lack of proper use of the machine's knowledge, do not understand the ability of a variety of machines
4, without regular inspection - rope, belt, chain, conveyor belt, lubrication system, etc.
5, overkill, small work with large machinery
6, in the maintenance, repair, paint work on the lack of coordination with the maintenance department
7, idle machines without maintenance, either by damp, dirt, dust, rust and erosion
8, the lack of regular cleaning, the machine is not clean
9. All rotating parts are not checked for proper lubrication.
10, should be repaired not immediately
11, the machine does not have the appropriate operating instructions
12, the lack of good discipline to avoid abuse of machinery and equipment
13, with the method of "improper" indulge subordinates to repair the machine
14, the foreman I do not know the latest type of machinery and equipment
15, not to pay attention to the value and subordinate machine
16, abuse of small machines for heavy work
17, the retirement of the machine is still to be repaired, than to buy a new machine costs more
18, can repair the machine is scrapped
19, the efficiency of the management of data (mechanical efficiency)
Five, the waste of human resources
1, due to the following reasons, unable to control the ability of the subordinate personnel changes
* direct and indirect costs of employee changes
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * too much, smart leadership is too small
* "too tight" or "loose" of discipline
* can do the "commitment", but not to comply with
* a not to be able to do the "promise", such as a raise or promotion
* and fire without good reason, should not be used as a punishment of dismissal
He urged * subordinate in extreme love work
* unfair treat subordinates
* subordinate quarrel, favoring one side
* for a batch of other subordinate subordinates (campaign)
* failed to find the reasons for voluntary departure of subordinates
* not to subordinate correct description of the company's goals and policies
* the monitor is not involved in the adjustment of the staff.
* the monitor's authority is not good.
2 can not make the new staff to fully play its productivity
* did not accept new employees with a friendly and helpful attitude.
* the new staff did not give safe working guidance

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